Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Tip - What Good Little Boys and Girls!

We have so many ways to reward all the amazing behavior and effort our students show us! Here are a few you may hear about:
Red Tickets - A child may receive a red ticket as a reward for great effort, wonderful behavior or when found exemplifying one of our citizenship qualities (see below). This child writes his/her name on the back of the ticket and returns it to the teacher. At the end of the week, the teachers takes all the red tickets and draws one red ticket. Whoever that red ticket belonged to becomes our Longhorn of the Week.
Longhorn of the Week - When you have been selected as the Longhorn of the Week, your name is announced on Friday’s morning announcements, your picture is taken and hung on the school bulletin board and you receive a Lakeside pencil and a Longhorn of the Week ribbon to wear. Our school’s parent-volunteer photographer also submits all the Longhorn of the Week photos to our local newspaper.
Citizen of the Month - The CISD Citizenship Program highlights a different quality each month district-wide. These qualities are integrity, respect, responsibility, cooperation, caring, self-control, patriotism, honesty, effort and patience. The focus of the elementary program is to introduce the concepts, model the behavior to demonstrate the concepts and identify the behavior in ourselves and others.
At the end of each month, a student is chosen to be recognized at the Citizen of the Month for his/her class. The student’s name is called during a spirit assembly, a sentence is read by our principal showing why the student was chosen and the student receives a ribbon that says ‘Citizen of the Month’ and has his/her picture taken for the school’s bulletin board.
The above are district and school-wide recognition programs. Your child’s kindergarten teacher will also have ways to reinforce positive behavior and reward gallant efforts. Here are a few examples:
Marble Jar - Each time the class works as a team to accomplish a common goal, a marble may be added to a class jar. When the jar is full, a team reward will be given. (Example: spend 15 minutes at the end of a day, playing on the ‘big kid’ playground).
Table Points - If a group of students that sit at one table are doing a remarkable job at following directions or working through a problem as a team, a table point can be earned. At the end of the week, a reward for the table with the most points will be given. (Example: On Friday, everyone at the blue table may take off his/her shoes when working at their table).
Smellies - A smelly is a flavored Chap-Stick. When a reward needs to be given, a child will hear the teacher say, “Susie, you may have a Smelly!” The child will then get a swipe of a delicious smelling stick on the back of her hand to smell and enjoy! (These Chap-Sticks never touch anyone’s lips!)
These are just a few examples of how we reinforce positive behavior in kindergarten. You will hear more from your child’s will teacher when the year begins.

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